Sara Kh. Lifshits, Olga N. Chalaya, Yuliya S. Glyaznetsova, Iraida N. Zueva
Pages: 540-546
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,329
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Abstract: The desk-top experiment on study the behavior of soil-plant system in conditions of petroleum pollution has been carried out. For this purpose, different amounts of petroleum (0.6 to 1.22%) added to the samples of permafrost sod-meadow soils of the Central Yakutia and after that seeds of wild plants: Lepidium ruderale L. and Artemisia vulgaris L. had been sowed into the contaminated soil. A non-linear alteration of the physiological characteristics of the plants with the increase the content of added petroleum had been detected that indicated the adaptive nature of these changes. Consequently, as the criteria for an assessing of permissible content of petroleum pollutant in soils is proposed to use the integral indicators: survival index of plants expressing changes in adaptive potential of the soil-plant system; index characterizing of intensity of petroleum pollution accumulation; geochemical data on soil bitumoids composition indicating the processes of petroleum pollution transformation. As result it had been defined the permissible content of petroleum pollution in the permafrost sod-meadow soils for the Central Yakutia which is equal 1 g per kg of soil.
Keywords: permissible content of petroleum pollution, permafrost soils, adaptive potential of soil-plant system
Cite this article: Sara Kh. Lifshits, Olga N. Chalaya, Yuliya S. Glyaznetsova, Iraida N. Zueva. CRITERIA DEVELOPMENT FOR DETERMINING PERMISSIBLE CONTENT OF PETROLEUM POLLUTION IN PERMAFROST SOILS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 540-546 (2014).
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