Vasyl R. Kaus'kyj, Myroslava M. Mylenka
Pages: 590-597
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,419
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Abstract: The results of laboratory microcosmicexperiment to investigate bio-toxic and opportunities of phytore-cultivationof organic-chlorine contaminated soils of toxic waste landfill in Kalush mining area (Western Ukraine) were presented in this article. Research was conducted at the molecular, organic and organismal levels; laboratory speciesof Sinapisalbawas used as a bio-tester. There was proved an inhibitory effect of soil toxicants on growth processes and seed germination of the bio-tester, activation of physiological and biochemical mechanisms of protection. Most informative biomarkers for bio-tests of organic-chlorine contaminationwere defined. The possibility of adjusting the resistance of plants by enriching the soil with bio-universal fertilizers was proven. Sinapisalbawas recommended to be introduced into bio-monitoring system and phyto-remediation of toxic wastedisposallandfill.
Keywords: organic-chlorine pollutants, soil, bio-testing, phyto-remediation,sinapis alba, kalush mining area, western ukraine
Cite this article: Vasyl R. Kaus'kyj, Myroslava M. Mylenka. POSSIBILITIES OF SINAPIS ALBA AS BIO-TESTER AND PHYTO-MEDIATE IN TERMS OF ORGANIC-CHLORINE CONTAMINATION OF SOIL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 590-597 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000135/
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