C. G. Okoli, K. U. Anukam, M. C. Uchegbu, I. C. Okoli
Pages: 614-616
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,380
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Abstract: The obnoxious odour and pathogenic agents emanating from pig dung or slurry are threats to human and animal health, in Nigeria. In this study, dung was collected from local pig farms, mixed properly and allowed to stand for two day pre-treatment period to allow for bacterial activities. Thereafter, borax and kerosene application at 0, 50, 100 and 150 g per two kilograms of dung in seven litre plastic buckets were set up. Bacteria load change in the pig dung was analysed on the 2nd, 4th and 6th day post treatments. Borax at 150 g application eliminated all the bacteria by the 4th day of treatment, while kerosene could not eliminate clostridium species by the 6th day of treatment even at 330 ml application.
Keywords: borax, kerosene, bacteria population
Cite this article: C. G. Okoli, K. U. Anukam, M. C. Uchegbu, I. C. Okoli. BORAX AND KEROSENE TREATMENT REDUCES ODOUR PRODUCING BACTERIA POPULATION IN PIG DUNG. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 614-616 (2014).
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