Emil Bubev, Valentin Bozhilov, Stefan Kozhukharov, Maria Machkova, Vladimir Kozhukharov
Pages: 313-321
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 3,116
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Abstract: Solar UV radiation is a well-known cause of degradation in various organic materials. This leads to unwanted changes in color, strength and other physic-chemical changes in the polymer structure. With the development of printed organic electronics there is an ever growing interest in their protection from damaging effects - e.g. photodegradation. In this study we present a method for the deposition and characterization of transparent UV-absorbing films on flexible organic substrates.
Keywords: uv-protection, flexible protective coatings, opv, pva, -2-hydroxy-4–methoxy-benzophenone-5-sulfonic acid
Cite this article: Emil Bubev, Valentin Bozhilov, Stefan Kozhukharov, Maria Machkova, Vladimir Kozhukharov. FLEXIBLE UV-ABSORBING FILMS - DEPOSITION AND CHARATERIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 313-321 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000178/
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