Dimitar H. Angelski
Pages: 346-354
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 3,501
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Abstract: The study is focused on the methods of plasticizing of solid wood for the production of curved furniture parts. The ability for bending wood and the capacity of production depend on the choice of method for plasticizing wood. The comparison between the methods of plasticizing is based on the following parameters: productivity, degree of plasticity, equipment costs, universality of the method and ecology. Proposals are made for the effective implementation of the operation "plasticizing" in the manufacture of curved details from solid wood.
Keywords: plastification, steaming, bendability, degree of plasticity
Cite this article: Dimitar H. Angelski. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF METHODS FOR PLASTIFICATION OF SOLID WOOD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 346-354 (2014).
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