Sergii Bespalko
Pages: 355-363
Published: 2 Jun 2014
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Abstract: A review of investigations concerning special process called plasma electrolysis or contact glow discharge electrolysis (CGDE) is presented in the article. It is described physicochemical mechanisms leading to full glow discharge and phenomena occurring in the vicinity of a glow discharge electrode during the CGDE. Comparison of the CGDE as a hydrogen generating method with other methods of hydrogen production notably methanol steam reforming, conventional water and water vapor electrolysis is carried out as well. It is shown that the CGDE can be considered as a perspective technology for hydrogen generation in the future which is based on the non-Faradaic law phenomenon.
Keywords: liquid solution, electrode, high voltage, plasma electrolysis
Cite this article: Sergii Bespalko. RECENT ADVANCES IN HYDROGEN GENERATION BY CONTACT GLOW DISCHARGE ELECTROLYSIS: REVIEW. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 355-363 (2014).
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