Dincer Akal, Soner Celen, Kamil Kahveci, Ugur Akyol
Pages: 449-456
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 3,215
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Abstract: In this study, microwave drying behavior of kiwi in two different microwave powers was studied experimentally. In the experimental study, 90W and 360W were selected as microwave powers. Another parameter considered in this study is slice thickness and kiwi slices was dried in 2mm, 4mm and 6mm thicknesses to investigate the effect of slice thickness on the drying behavior. Experimental results show that increase in the microwave power increases the drying rate significantly, slice thickness, on the other hand, has relatively little effect on drying speed. Depending on the effect on the drying rate, drying time decline drastically with the increase in the microwave power. In this study, a color analysis was also made to assess the effect of the microwave drying on product quality in terms of color. The results also show that the Midilli et al. model could be used to describe the microwave drying curves of kiwi slices. The results also indicate that at 360W microwave power there is a decrease in the quality of kiwi slices in terms of color.
Keywords: microwave drying, drying behaviour, kiwi, color analysis
Cite this article: Dincer Akal, Soner Celen, Kamil Kahveci, Ugur Akyol. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON MICROWAVE DRYING BEHAVIOR OF KIWI. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 449-456 (2014).
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