Piotr Przybysz, Kazimierz Przybysz, Marta Kucner, Marcin Dubowik, Kamila Buzala
Pages: 576-583
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 2,823
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Abstract: The scientific description is a part of broader study on papermaking potential of different market available papermaking fibrous materials. This study focuses on structural and tensile properties of paper obtained from pulps produced from new lines of poplar, which seems to be one of new emerging fibrous resources for paper industry. Papermaking potential of poplar (Populus tremula) is adopted as a benchmark for detailed investigation of pulp and paper properties.
Keywords: paper, pulp, poplar pulps, new lines of poplar, properties of paper
Cite this article: Piotr Przybysz, Kazimierz Przybysz, Marta Kucner, Marcin Dubowik, Kamila Buzala. PAPERMAKING POTENTIAL OF NEW LINES OF POPLAR TREES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 576-583 (2014).
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