G. Ntalos, A. Sideras
Pages: 605-611
Published: 2 Jun 2014
Views: 3,053
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Abstract: More or less the energy used today is from non-renewable energy resources like coal, oil, gas, etc. but the reduction of these resources and environmental pollution are forcing research and development of new renewable energy resources. On the other side Lignocellulose-based fibres or particles are the most widely used as biodegradable reinforcing elements for composite materials like particleboards, Medium Density Fiberboards etc. In the last years, the utilisation of lignocellulosic materials in order to produce eco-friendly products is very promising. All the industries are looking for low-cost and environmentally friendly products or byproducts to develop new materials filled with natural fibres and wood. Posidonia seagrass beds formed in sandy bottoms and it is "home" for hundreds of species of marine animals (eg fish, urchins, octopus, sponges, anemones, sea turtles, etc). Both the Posidonia and algae are necessary to sustain life in sea (and not just because the oxygen release is used by all organisms), and their role is similar to that of forest land for land wild animals. The experimental process that will be presented in this paper contains the following stage: Evaluate of the energy derivative from the combustion of seaweed. Chemical analysis of Posidonia oceanica and finally, the possibility of production briquettes or pellets and particleboards based on seaweed.
Keywords: not provided
Cite this article: G. Ntalos, A. Sideras. THE USAGE OF POSIDONIA OCEANICA AS A RAW MATERIAL FOR WOOD COMPOSITE AND THERMAL ENERGY PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 605-611 (2014).
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