Irena L. Grigorova, Stanislav D. Dzhamyarov, Ivan M. Nishkov
Pages: 778-785
Published: 28 Jun 2014
Views: 2,919
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Abstract: The composition of Kremikovtzi deposit is complex. The main component is iron and secondary components are barite, lead, manganese. The beneficiation in the Mineral Processing Plant by 1990 year included magnetizing roasting and is produced iron and barite concentrates. The technological tailings (called „black tailings“) are stored at “Chelopechene” Tailings Pond. The black tailings were characterized. The data from laboratory tests indicate that this tailings product is suitable to be used as raw material for flotation recovery of barite if an appropriate technology is developed.
Keywords: tailings characterization, barite
Cite this article: Irena L. Grigorova, Stanislav D. Dzhamyarov, Ivan M. Nishkov. TAILINGS CHARACTERIZATION OF "CHELOPECHENE" TAILINGS POND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 8, 778-785 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000230/
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