Clara Germana Gonçalves, Maria João Soares
Pages: 57-63 Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,130 Downloads: 752
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss today’s communication concerning the arts and the sciences. Contemporary’s objective/scientific paradigm seams to absorb the whole existence of true and to underestimates that which just “can be”. The discussion focus on the double paradox: on the one hand society preserves over time things that once seemed minor and on the other hand it appears that this same society finds more security when letting itself be dominated by the ultimately less human paradigm – the non-subjective one. Are we afraid of the aesthetics discourse?
Keywords: arts and sciences, aesthetics discourse
Cite this article: Clara Germana Gonçalves, Maria João Soares. ARTS AND SCIENCES: WHEN THE PRECISE WORD IS NOT ENOUGH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Media & Mass Communication 3, 57-63 (2014).
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