Kristian Dokic
Pages: 79-91
Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,874
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Abstract: This paper describes the concept of information density from the video content perspective, and points out the potential problem of information overload that is rarely mentioned in the context of that media. Presented is the possibility of using algorithms for registration of movement with the aim of quantitative analysis of information density of a given video content, a using a single simple algorithm, MTV Music Awards winner videos in the category VIDEO OF THE YEAR for the past 30 years have been analyzed. In this sample, an increase in information density has been observed, and that phenomenon, which is ignored because much more focus is given to the qualitative analysis of the content of the video material, is pointed out.
Keywords: information density, information overload, television, video
Cite this article: Kristian Dokic. DOES INFORMATION DENSITY OF TELEVISION PROGRAMS INCREASE OVER TIME?. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Media & Mass Communication 3, 79-91 (2014).
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