Pages: 160-177 Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 2,893 Downloads: 858
Abstract: The work "Radio & Interculturality" led to the production of a radio format produced by the students of course "Speech Communication" (academic year 2013/2014) of the University of Naples “L'Orientale” and foreign students arrived at the same University with B2 linguistic level. The project’s achieved the following objectives: Discovery of the language and the mechanisms of the Radio; Use of Radio as a tool for cultural integration, for connection of ideas and minds in intercultural contexts; Adaptation of linguistic expressions in favour of understanding between partners of different language.
Keywords: radio, interculturality, experimentation, linguistic intercultural compentence, use of the voice
Cite this article: Sara Lotta. RADIO & INTERCULTURALITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Media & Mass Communication 3, 160-177 (2014).
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