Jana Bérešová
Pages: 158-166
Published: 25 Aug 2014
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Abstract: The paper discusses the current situation in language testing in some countries whose language curricula are influenced by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), whose approach, however, to language testing does not precisely include the action-oriented approach promoted in the document of the Council of Europe. Various testing techniques used in different local contexts will be analysed and testing grammar and vocabulary (language in use) will call for possible solutions reflecting current trends fostering communicative competence – the ability to communicate effectively and spontaneously in real-life settings. Data achieved from the actual measurement of learners' performances will be shown and analysed.
Keywords: action-oriented approach, syntacto-centric approach, communicative approach
Cite this article: Jana Bérešová. ASSESSING GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY - YES OR NO?. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 158-166 (2014).
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