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Language, Individual & Society 2025, 19th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Language, Individual & Society, Volume 8, 2014

Lidia Y. Rakhmanova
Pages: 322-330
Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,002
Downloads: 528
Abstract: How does the island framework influence the peculiarities of social structure of a community and the identity of it’s’ members? The Solovky Islands is an archipelago, located in the White Sea. It is the land where historical and ideological experiments were implemented and left the imprint on the islands’ symbolic space. But the collective memory of modern islanders unlikely corresponds with the real local history of the past centuries. Moreover, they hardly incorporate the symbols, cultural and spiritual heritage into their everyday lives and rarely reflect it inside the identification process.
Keywords: socio-cultural identity, solovky islands, local community, symbolic production, memory
Cite this article: Lidia Y. Rakhmanova. MEMORY AND IDENTITY IN THE SYMBOLIC SPACE OF THE ISLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 322-330 (2014).
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