Liljana Siljanovska
Pages: 352-359
Published: 25 Aug 2014
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Abstract: Globalization, today, is marked as a relatively new discourse although it refers to some old processes that in the previous years had been interpreted a little bit differently. In that sense the universalization and internationalization are just synonyms for globalization of which there are controversial arguments in scientific academic circles and the international public. Globalists and anti-globalists are divided in their attitudes on the effects that it causes nationally and globally. Issues in terms of the theoretical reorganization of space and time that it defines in terms of economical, political and cultural context of an unspecified geographical area, with undefined borders and undefined global governments are disputable. That is why it cannot be regarded neither as Americanization, nor Europeanization, and each attempt at a simple regional gathering of national governments in their joined actions is solely a reduced understanding of the growing global interdependency that simultaneously produces cultural diversity and is nurturing cultural identities at a local level. Their proportional dependency revives in practice the new amalgam of Robertson - glocalization.
Keywords: globalization, cultural identity, glocalization, americanization
Cite this article: Liljana Siljanovska. GLOBALIZATION VS. CULTURAL IDENTITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 352-359 (2014).
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