Kire Sharlamanov, Aleksandar Jovanoski
Pages: 365-371
Published: 25 Aug 2014
Views: 3,370
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Abstract: In this text, authors try to represent e new contemporary understanding of Habermasian Theory of Communicative action. The theory of communicative action, with its inventiveness made a real revolution in the understanding and the interpretation of communication as an activity that constitutes the social world. This text aims to analyze exactly this communicative action, the reasons why it was developed, its most important characteristics, especially in regard to instrumental action etc. Special attention will be paid to the incorporation of this theory in the works of its author and one of the most influential contemporary authors in the field of social sciences, Jurgen Habermas.
Keywords: theory of communicative action, jurgen habermas, social action, sociological theory
Cite this article: Kire Sharlamanov, Aleksandar Jovanoski. ANALYSIS OF THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 365-371 (2014).
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