Le Bo, Dan Shen, Jin Jun Bo
Pages: 1-9
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,908
Downloads: 1,937
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss effectiveness of social responsibility disclosure in promoting global production network. Through a critical review on the theoretical development from supply chain to global production network, the global supply chain management of Apple Inc., as a case, is investigated, with focus on corporate and NGOs’ social disclosure on the environmental and labor rights' issues of its suppliers in China. The paper concludes that effectiveness of corporate social disclosure on global production network is doubted, however, NGOs' activism can effect changes of the status quo.
Keywords: global production network, social responsibility disclosure, ngo, apple inc., china
Cite this article: Le Bo, Dan Shen, Jin Jun Bo. IMPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE ON GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1-9 (2014).
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