Milan Maly
Pages: 10-16
Published: 29 Aug 2014
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Abstract: Main aim of our research was to do comparative analysis of managerial decision-making style of top managers in different countries, in this case in Austria and Czech Republic. Longitudinal data analysis starting in the beginning of 90ties of last century up to now shows that there are very slow changes in decision-making style of top managers in the Czech Republic, as the representatives of the group of post-communist countries. According to Vroom-Yetton methodology we divide decision making styles into autocratic, consultative and participative ones and strive for identifying managers with the particular styles. Almost 500 top managers of the companies in Austria and the Czech Republic were questioned and the data were computerized. Comparative analysis confirmed the tendency that top managers of Czech companies tend mostly to autocratic, partly consultative decision-making style and managers of Austrian companies to consultative, partly participative styles.
Keywords: decision making style, managers, austria, czech republic
Cite this article: Milan Maly. DECISION MAKING STYLE IN COMPANIES (CASE OF AUSTRIAN AND CZECH COMPANIES). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 10-16 (2014).
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