Olga V. Zaborovskaya
Pages: 84-95
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,133
Downloads: 610
Abstract: The paper looks into economic and social aspects of regional development. It demonstrates the role and place of social strategy of a region in implementing the tasks related with innovative modernization of the regional economy. It proves applicability of the social economic theory for development and implementation of economic reformation trends in a region, including for assessing activities of clusters. Main features of regional social strategy are described. Criteria of classification and typology of social strategies in a region are proposed. Methodic principles for building up an effective regional social strategy are represented. Statistics are given which prove acuteness of social problems in Russian regions and conclusions are made that federal budget expenses on social purposes cannot be reduced under conditions of insufficient regional resources.
Keywords: regional social and economic systems, regional development, modernization of economy, regional social strategy
Cite this article: Olga V. Zaborovskaya. EFFECTIVE SOCIAL STRATEGY AS A BASIS FOR ECONOMIC REFORMS IN RUSSIAN REGIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 84-95 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000369/
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