Tihomira Zlatanova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova, Angelina Cheshmedzieva, Natalia Shtereva
Pages: 308-315
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,341
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Abstract: In this article are presented and analyzed planning of hospital activity. Introduced planning process depending on the type of health care system - countries with national health systems there is a tendency to set targets backed by norms, while in countries with fully or partially liberalized system developed a variety of techniques for strategic planning.
Keywords: planning, hospital activity, evaluation
Cite this article: Tihomira Zlatanova, Ralitsa Zlatanova-Velikova, Angelina Cheshmedzieva, Natalia Shtereva. PLANNING OF HOSPITAL ACTIVITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 308-315 (2014).
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