Brikend Aziri, Teuta Veseli, Florina Shishko
Pages: 454-468
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,364
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Abstract: One of the key points in human resource management is securing effective employees. In fact securing effective employees emphasizes the importance of finding and attracting as many potential candidates for the job openings in order to have a large pool of potential employees and thus choose the best among them. From this point of view employee recruitment and employee selection remains the focus of finding effective employees, of course permanently having in mind job analysis, human resource planning, compensation, development etc. The papers is organised around a survey conducted with 450 health care employees in the Republic of Macedonia and the main objective is to determine the extent to which proper employee recruitment and selection techniques are implemented by health care organizations in the Republic of Macedonia.
Keywords: human resource management, effective employees, employee recruitment, employee selection
Cite this article: Brikend Aziri, Teuta Veseli, Florina Shishko. SECURING EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEES IN THE HEALTH CARE SECTOR IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 454-468 (2014).
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