Nexhbi Veseli, Lisa Alili
Pages: 469-486
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,229
Downloads: 774
Abstract: Package design has lately become one of the most preferred forms of company to consumer communication in terms of influencing the consumers shopping decision. Having this in mind business organizations world vide continue to emphasize the importance of consumer’s opinions regarding the package design, in order to be gain information that is later used in determining the approach to be used. Having in mind, the growing importance of package design, the main rationale behind this paper is to provide insides regarding the influence of package design on consumer’s shopping decision. One of the main findings of the research is that design plays an important role on the consumer’s choice, and the design elements are crucial when deciding among two or more substitutive products on the market. This research paper goes beyond and describes the figures and illustrations as the most important element of a packaging design that attracts the attention of human mind.
Keywords: packaging design, figures and illustrations, consumers’ choice, consumption
Cite this article: Nexhbi Veseli, Lisa Alili. THE INFLUENCE OF PACKAGE DESIGN ON CONSUMER’S SHOPPING DECISION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 469-486 (2014).
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