Makarova I.V., Khabibullin R.G., Bagateeva A.O., Belyaev E.I.
Pages: 487-498
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,114
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Abstract: The article highlights the problems specified in UNEP documents that are associated with the negative consequences of human impact on the environment. The article considers the prospects of transition to sustainable development and «green economy» and the main constraints of such transition. It is shown that for modernization of the economy trained professionals with new thinking are required, and it can be carried out only with close cooperation with the real sector of the economy. The education paradigm should be also changed. The article describes the experience of cooperation between the Kazan Federal University with the scientific-technical and technological centers of JSC «KAMAZ» while training engineers of motor area.
Keywords: sustainable development, green economy, engineering education, automobile branch, competitive personnel
Cite this article: Makarova I.V., Khabibullin R.G., Bagateeva A.O., Belyaev E.I.. THE COOPERATION OF BUSINESS AND UNIVERSITY PREPARING SPECIALISTS FOR THE “GREEN” ECONOMY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 487-498 (2014).
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