Daniela N. Ilieva - Koleva
Pages: 508-515
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,106
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Abstract: Presentation skills are crucial for the nowadays managers and business people. This article aims to examine different traditional and unconventional methods for enhancing and perfecting presentation skills. It provides suggestions on how to structure a presentation, what type of verbal language to include, and pays significant attention to body language during presentations, as well as to the relation between the presenter and the audience. The paper highlights a variety of instruments and techniques applicable to every individual in search for presentation perfection.
Keywords: communication, business communication, neuro-linguistic programming, presentations, presentation skills, perfecting presentation skills
Cite this article: Daniela N. Ilieva - Koleva. METHODS FOR PERFECTING PRESENTATION SKILLS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 508-515 (2014).
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