Eva Teqja (Allushi)
Pages: 555-571
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,242
Downloads: 605
Abstract: The long history of Balkan region demonstrates, especially in the aspects of state and society building, the enormous diversity of problems. According to many analyses these countries now are reflecting a lot of dilemmas which in fact, every society or sub-region faces on its way to full membership of the EU. The final goal of the Western Balkan countries is to transform their economies into viable market economies and to achieve integration into the European Union. This paper explores the efficiency of the transition process in the Western Balkans. This study is aimed at presenting the most important current trends of economic, political and institutional development of the Western Balkan countries and the process of European integration of those countries in transition. This paper examines how EU criteria will be fulfilled by these countries, and especially we will examine the case of Albania. How can it be possible to shorten this long transition in the region that more over is causing fatigue and disappointment?
Keywords: criteria, development, integration, transition
Cite this article: Eva Teqja (Allushi). WESTERN BALKANS: BETWEEN THE FULFILLMENT OF CRITERIA AND THE DIVERSITY OF PROBLEMS. THE LONG WAY OF ALBANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 555-571 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000412/
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