Iveta Mihailova, Anna Marinova, Pavlinka Dobrilova
Pages: 584-589
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,105
Downloads: 633
Abstract: This article presents art therapy centers in social and health institutions – homes and day centers for elderly people, day centers for children and handicapped people and rehabilitation hospitals. It discusses some organization aspects and focuses on the economic significance of the art works created in these centers. It emphasizes the needs and possibilities to find some permanent locations for exhibitions and sale the products made by the elderly and handicapped people.
Keywords: art therapy, patients, employees, residents, art therapy centers, social and health institutions
Cite this article: Iveta Mihailova, Anna Marinova, Pavlinka Dobrilova. ART THERAPY IN SOCIAL AND HEALTH INSTITUTIONS AND ITS ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 584-589 (2014).
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