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Economy & Business 2024, 23rd International Conference
18-21 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Economy & Business, Volume 8, 2014

Urszula Widelska, Joanna Moczydłowska, Grażyna Michalczuk
Pages: 762-769
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 2,887
Downloads: 747
Abstract: The rapid pace of changes therein generats the need to direct science to create a theoretical background to allow accurate identification of value creating factors, while reducing its scientific verification based on the traditional enterprise model. The creation of company value as a scientific problem should notice to a larger extent a long-term dimension of broadly defined economic activity of entities. Currently, science increasingly perceives the effectiveness of the company not only in terms of profit for shareholders, but also financial performance in the context of relations with the environment and cross-organizational links. The aim of the study is to present the essence of the scientific value of the company, especially its creation. The paper presents current achievements of science in this field and tries to identify future challanges. In the opinion of the authors the undertaken research problem should be not the value of the company itself, but its creation in the conditions of a modern economy, which forces the development of enterprises in the long term, based on broadly defined relationship with the environment.
Keywords: value, value creation, theory of the value, scientific concepts of value
Cite this article: Urszula Widelska, Joanna Moczydłowska, Grażyna Michalczuk. THE CREATION OF ENTERPRISE VALUE AS A RESEARCH SUBJECT - CURRENT STATE AND COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 762-769 (2014).
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