Kateryna O. Tiulkina, Kateryna L. Frolina
Pages: 955-966
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,015
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Abstract: Ukrainian economy and building industry in particular are under conditions of transformation nowadays. The state is one of the most active participants in investment process and generator of changes in institutional environment where macroeconomic processes occur. Increasing the state role in market relations is possible through the use effective system of legal and economic rules. The article contains proposals for improving existing institutions that regulate investing in building industry at Ukraine's integration into European economic space.
Keywords: building industry, investment climate, state regulation of investment activity, investment-building complex
Cite this article: Kateryna O. Tiulkina, Kateryna L. Frolina. STATE INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITIES AS BASIS OF INVESTMENT INTENSIFICATION IN BUILDING INDUSTRY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 955-966 (2014).
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