Hana Bartková, Zuzana Stefanovová
Pages: 1024-1034
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,179
Downloads: 793
Abstract: Each legal entity is required by law to keep accounts as it related to their internal audit - audit, which is an integral part of corporate governance. This transparency based on sufficient information, objectivity and credibility of information and open communication deepens the common link between the various stakeholders and ultimately enhance trust and loyalty to the company, firm or company, leading to the very prestige of the legal entity, the synergic effect of its corporate culture.
Keywords: accounting, management and corporate governance, internal control system, audit, internal accounting regulations, organization of accounting, informat
Cite this article: Hana Bartková, Zuzana Stefanovová. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING IN CONNECTION WITH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1024-1034 (2014).
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