Karina Kubelková, Michaela Ševčíková, Daniel Váňa
Pages: 1097-1104
Published: 29 Aug 2014
Views: 3,198
Downloads: 534
Abstract: The advent of the crisis urged on the need for structural reforms of the current welfare state in the CEE region – especially as for pensions hand in hand with the country’s fiscal consolidation. The future development of poverty is now burdened with serious downgrade risks, especially in case of women. The aim is to indentify the main changes of the social transfer effectiveness before and after the crisis (in the years 2008 and 2012) in the CEE region with a special regard to the gender issue. The descriptive analysis is based mainly on the EU-SILC surveys using MS Excel statistical applications. The results shows that the poverty has generally become more severe since the beginning of the crisis. The effects of the pension system in reducing female poverty became even more important. The major challenge is to monitor and anticipate the impacts of the planned pension reform on women.
Keywords: effectiveness, social transfers, gender, crisis
Cite this article: Karina Kubelková, Michaela Ševčíková, Daniel Váňa. SOCIAL TRANSFER EFFECTIVENESS BEFORE AND AFTER CRISIS REGARDING GENDER – CASE OF CEE REGION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 1097-1104 (2014).
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