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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 12, 2014

Gareth Potter, Tracy Tunstall, Ian Masters, John Chapman
Pages: 341-351
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 3,834
Downloads: 820
Abstract: To mitigate Climate Change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Europe is currently the World leader for exploiting one of the most significant sources of global untapped renewable energy; energy from our oceans. Within Europe, the UK is foremost to establish a sustainable marine energy industry, through research, development and supply chain growth. This article will examine the Skills and Training Needs Analysis work undertaken by Swansea University, to provide training courses designed to grow the marine energy supply chain within Wales and thus support and sustain Europe’s leading status.
Keywords: marine energy, wales, skills, training, supply chain, tidal, wave, welsh government
Cite this article: Gareth Potter, Tracy Tunstall, Ian Masters, John Chapman. GROWING THE MARINE ENERGY SUPPLY CHAIN IN WALES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 341-351 (2014).
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