Daiga Kālēja-Gasparoviča, Irina Direktorenko
Pages: 395-403
Published: 4 Sep 2014
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Abstract: According to the needs of society, raises the point of view of teachers' creative approach to promoting students' creativity, which depends on the teacher's ability to capture the world around them artistically and to be open to new things. This indicates that the need to build the visual arts and music study process, where one can engage all students, regardless of artistic talent; which would facilitate students' creativity, which encourages students, future teachers, flexibly capture professional challenges and manifold possibilities of personal life. The research is related to the promotion of students’ creativity, based on the potential of the concept of creativity. The research problem: the promotion of creativity of students, future teachers, in higher education from disclosing personal business approach to the visual arts and music students as personally meaningful creativity development opportunities. The research problem is determined by the contradiction between the creative personality development as an aim of education and lack of resources pedagogical to ensure it.
Keywords: creativity potential, personally important activity, creative self-expression through visual arts and music, individual expression
Cite this article: Daiga Kālēja-Gasparoviča, Irina Direktorenko. INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION IN THE VISUAL ARTS AND MUSIC FOR UNLOCKING OF STUDENT'S CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 395-403 (2014).
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