Dan Roger Sträng
Pages: 460-468
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,947
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Abstract: The topic of this article is a minor research and development project, maintained as a collaborative research dialogue between practitioners and researchers from preschool and teacher education. The aim of the project was supporting a group of preschool leaders in order to develop a more effective leadership and increase reflective abilities among their subordinates. To achieve this aim we established a creative dialogue between practitioners and researchers, independent of professional belonging, but made up by a general view on the importance of a reflective culture in professional teams. Methodologically we used mentoring as a work tool for developing of the practioners and cultural analysis for mapping and analysis of what eventually took place at their workplace. The results and findings of the project indicate that the professional relationship between the leaders and their subordinates seems to have changed. A remaining question is whether reflective leadership is consistent with the role as critical friend?
Keywords: collaborative research dialogue, reflective practice, culture analysis, educational leadership
Cite this article: Dan Roger Sträng. CULTURAL ANALYSIS AND REFLECTIVE PROCESSES IN PRESCHOOL – REFLECTIVE LEADERSHIP OR CRITICAL FRIENDS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 460-468 (2014).
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