Karimova R. B., Ormanova Z. K., Kazakhbayeva G. I., Tusupbekova K. K.
Pages: 477-480
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,919
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Abstract: Analysis is carried out on influence of psychophysiological features and personal stress through the pre-teen years, causing tendencies to self-injurious forms of behavior taking into account high risk of suicide. Questionnaires are developed for teenagers for the purpose of identification of factors promoting development of self-injurious forms of behavior, as one of form of social epidemic. Questions contained in questionnaires gave opportunity to assess emotional state of the person, nature of relationship with parents, teachers and age mates and to reveal symptoms of latent depression.
Keywords: psychophysiological features, accentuation of personality traits, self-injurious behavior, suicides, teenagers, psychological disadaptation, psychogen
Cite this article: Karimova R. B., Ormanova Z. K., Kazakhbayeva G. I., Tusupbekova K. K.. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF TEENAGERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 477-480 (2014).
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