Ormanova Z. K., Kazakhbayeva G. I., Kulmisheva N. A., Koshkimbayeva R. H.
Pages: 495-499
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 4,511
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Abstract: In article the condition of a problem of formation of the growing-up person in the modern disharmonious world is considered is estimated as crisis. Its disruptiveness acts in various forms, but most distinctly and obviously it is shown in the self-destructive tendencies having a steady tendency to growth. Autodestructiv behavior of modern youth cause not only population damage, but also a loss owing to the negative social importance of this phenomenon for a family, school and society as a whole. In sharp crisis states the teenager tests the whole scale of negatively painted emotions - feeling of helplessness, despair, intolerable melancholy, personal accident.
Keywords: autodestruction, depression, autodestructiv behavior, disadaptation, self-damage, modern youth
Cite this article: Ormanova Z. K., Kazakhbayeva G. I., Kulmisheva N. A., Koshkimbayeva R. H.. SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AUTODESTRUCTIV BEHAVIOR OF MODERN YOUTH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 495-499 (2014).
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