Galina S. Mal
Pages: 599-606
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,683
Downloads: 542
Abstract: A business game consists of a few stages: preparatory and playing. Playing stage - directly game the recreation of the real situation and behavior of participants are very important in that. The use of business games can be identified and traced the peculiarities of the psychology of the participants. Thus, application of active methods of educating in the process of professional preparation of doctor allows to obtain not only the quality and rapid mastering of educational discipline but also practical aim - to teach future doctors to professional knowledge and abilities. Business game, based on application of modern personal computers, allow to simulate a set of managed and unmanaged processes, providing fast track scale interrelated sequence close to real situations. Modern medicine develops swiftly and is characterized strengthening of competition, that conduces to the change of requirements to preparation of graduating students of higher school.
Keywords: business game, medicine, higher school, educational process
Cite this article: Galina S. Mal. TO THE QUESTION ON IMPROVEMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS THROUGH THE INTRODUCTION OF BISINESS GAMES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 599-606 (2014).
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