Juraj Fabuš, Iveta Kremeňová, Jozef Fabuš
Pages: 632-642
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,726
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Abstract: This work deals with the possibilities of financing the universities projects with a focus on innovation of the process of finding sources of financing. There are characterized different funding opportunities for universities projects, both domestic and foreign. The emphasis is primary put on identifying specific focus of each organization providing grants. It is followed by an analysis that deals with the identification of the use of different sources of financing projects within a particular university. Within the analysis the results of the university were compared to other universities in the Slovak Republic. On the basis of the findings was designed electronic guidance of grant schemes to assist project participants in finding sources of financing.
Keywords: projects financing, public universities grants, research grants, state budget, vega, kega, esf
Cite this article: Juraj Fabuš, Iveta Kremeňová, Jozef Fabuš. GRANT SCHEMES GUIDANCE FOR SLOVAK UNIVERSITIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 632-642 (2014).
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