Irina Sidorcuka
Pages: 891-903
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,933
Downloads: 762
Abstract: Communication methods have been greatly affected by the development of technology and the emerging new media. At the same time communication has always been an integral part of culture, and cultural traditions and values of communication differ in different countries. Net generation students entering higher educational establishments and later the employment market have their preferences to particular types of communication methods and to successfully reach them both high schools management and faculty as well as the potential employers should be aware of their fragmented communication media and the most preferred channels of communication of this generation. The research shows that net generation students in Latvia, though well-equipped with new technology, tend to prefer face-to-face communication for both educational and social purposes, though representatives of different culture groups have different priorities in the choice of communication methods.
Keywords: net generation, communication methods, culture, latvian higher school
Cite this article: Irina Sidorcuka. NET GENERATION COMMUNICATION METHODS PREFERENCES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 891-903 (2014).
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