Mehmet Bakanlar, Yunus Emre Göktepe, Onur Köksal
Pages: 904-914
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 3,075
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Abstract: History teaching that exists in every phases of Turkish education system aims creating the history knowledge and conscious for students. Every education strategy in that process needs to be student centered together with teaching. Determinig the perceptions of students towards history teaching has great importance to define the education strategies. The aim in that study is to define the perspectives of secondary education students towards history and history teaching and express the relation between the demographical characteristics and their perceptions towards history teaching of students. After a wide literature research about that aim, surveys were prepared and they were applied to 670 secondary education students in Seydiseehir district of Konya by using face to face conversation method in April and May 2013. The datas taken from the surveys were analyzed with SPSS 21.0 statistics programme. The study is thought to be useful because of defining the perspectives of secondary education students towards history and history teaching and shaping the strategies which run that process rationally.
Keywords: secondary education, student, perception of history teaching
Cite this article: Mehmet Bakanlar, Yunus Emre Göktepe, Onur Köksal. ANALYZING THE HISTORY TEACHING PERCEPTION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION STUDENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 904-914 (2014).
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