Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate parental attitudes of third grade students who attended and did not attend pre-school education. The sample of the study consists of 360 third grade students from 13 separate public secondary schools in Ankara. In order to determine parental attitudes of students, it was measured by parental attitudes scale which was developed by Suna Polat. The other measure used in the study is personal information which was developed by the researcher for this research. Results indicated that there was a significant difference between parental attitudes of third grade students who attend pre-school education and those who did not in the favor of students who attended preschool education. Finally, the result showed that there was a negative significant relationship between both mothers’ and fathers’ attitudes of students who attended preschool education.
Keywords: the aim of this study is to investigate parental attitudes of third grade students who attended and did not attend pre-school education. the sample of
Cite this article: Fatma Nesrin Dabakoğlu. INVESTIGATION OF THE IMPACT OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION ON THE ATTITUDES OF THE PARENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 939-948 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000574/
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