Bozhanka R. Baicheva, Tsanimir L. Baychev
Pages: 993-1000
Published: 4 Sep 2014
Views: 2,861
Downloads: 791
Abstract: This paper proposes a new approach to learning a musical instrument triggered by the opportunities offered by new technologies. This approach is necessary due to the fact that going into the learning process, these technologies create new conditions and new environment. If ignored, the future teachers would be difficult to cope with the growing needs of students and newly created environment. The timeliness of this study is determined by the fact that undoubtedly one of the conditions for a successful learning process today is the use of the achievements of modern technologies that integrate with traditional methods and training. The study aims to break traditional methods of learning through the integration of new technologies in teaching musical instrument. This objective is related to the ability of a teacher to use new technologies and to successfully apply them in their work.
Keywords: musical instrument, accordion, synthesizer, training, students, computer software
Cite this article: Bozhanka R. Baicheva, Tsanimir L. Baychev. RETHINKING TRAINING IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF STUDENTS - FUTURE TEACHERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 993-1000 (2014).
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