Danijela Horvat Samardžija
Pages: 1112-1127
Published: 23 Sep 2014
Views: 2,883
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Abstract: In the Pre-school Institutions Curriculum, the combining of six fields of activities is greatly emphasised. The experienced pre-school teachers who are aware of the fact that children experience the world holistically, in the desire to present certain subject-matters, take as a starting point in their everyday work with children the combining of subject-matters or objectives of more field activities. When they connect subject-matters or objectives of more field activities, they have constantly in their mind the premise that cross-curricular connections make sense, i. e. we talk about sensical cross-curricular connections when we achieve something that we would not without them or we would not achieve it as successfully. In all other cases, where cross-curricular connections include some field activities by force, we talk about non-sensical cross-curricular connections, which make the learning process poorer instead of richer. Practical classes with pre-school education students showed that they are also aware of the importance of connecting field activities that are included in the Pre-school Institutions Curriculum, but they also showed that they many times find unsuitable connections between them or they overlook the connections that are more than obvious. To this purpose, in practical classes, a pre-school teacher’s weekly lesson plan was divided into certain field activities in which they found objectives for each of the included field activities. In this paper, there is presented an example of sensical cross-curricular connection in which there were, as the detailed analysis of the weekly lesson plan with students in practical classes showed, included six fields, and there was as a starting and central field activity used the field of nature.
Keywords: curriculum, fields of activity, cross-curricular connection, sensical cross-curricular connection
Cite this article: Danijela Horvat Samardžija. CROSS-CURRICULAR CONNECTION IN KINDERGARTEN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1112-1127 (2014).
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