Yelda Firat, Ozlem Ucar, Yilmaz Kilicaslan
Pages: 512-518
Published: 24 Oct 2014
Views: 3,417
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Abstract: From a general perspective, models of reality defined using a formal language are known as formal ontologies. These general-purpose models can also be used in specific fields of application. As they are very big by nature, ontologies are prone to errors and omissions if they are formed manually. Furthermore, it might be difficult to adapt an ontology formed in this way to a particular field of application. This paper presents a formal ontology developed and integrated into the FrameNet technology via concept lattices which in turn provide us with a semantic analysis of sentences.
Keywords: formal ontology, formal concept analysis, semantic structures, framenet
Cite this article: Yelda Firat, Ozlem Ucar, Yilmaz Kilicaslan. SEMANTIC ANALYSIS WITH A LATTICE-BASED FRAMENET. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 512-518 (2014).
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