Daniela Gavrailova, Ivanka Stambolova, Galina Chaneva
Pages: 1200-1206
Published: 26 Nov 2014
Views: 2,760
Downloads: 719
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a wide spread disease all over the world, with a constantly increasing number of people affected. The patients with diabetes are exposed to higher risk of micro- and macro-vascular complications. The strict control of the metabolic indicators and the good compensation of the disease can reduce the risk complications and improve significantly the quality of life of the patients. The medical specialists, nurses and midwives, take an important role in fulfilling this task. For the purpose they need to be well prepared to give structural medical care, leading to effective communication and education of the patients, control and regulation of their medical condition, psychological support etc. In this sense, it is important the nurses and midwives to receive stable knowledge for the specific needs of diabetic patients during their training course – it will help them to meet the requirements of their job later and to be effective support to the medical doctors in their diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic activities.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, nursing diabetic care, student training
Cite this article: Daniela Gavrailova, Ivanka Stambolova, Galina Chaneva. TRAINING OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY STUDENTS IN MEDICAL CARE OF DIABETIC PATIENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 1200-1206 (2014).
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