Mariano R. Ragonese
Pages: 18-23
Published: 24 Feb 2015
Views: 3,879
Downloads: 870
Abstract: The transdisciplinary confluence that forms the Urban Environmental Management has been consolidating in its theoretical aspects, but mainly practices in managing "city" in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, especially in the southern municipalities. This report is to reflect, as this type of approach is called configured as articulating tool responses to environmental problems and conflicts in various urban scales, involving in the social, natural, economic, political, and ultimately environmental in its wider sense. To demonstrate this situation it becomes relevant definition, the context of its emergence and several of its features, among which should not fail to mention the training at the National University of LanĂºs.
Keywords: management, city, environment, urban planning development, sustainability
Cite this article: Mariano R. Ragonese. INTRODUCTION TO URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 18-23 (2015).
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