Tulemissova Z., Kassenova G., Kozhakhmetova Z., Myktybayeva R., Muzapbarov B., Khussaiynov D., Tuganbay A., Shytyrbayeva Z., Omarova A., Nurdan N.
Pages: 43-49
Published: 21 May 2015
Views: 2,871
Downloads: 696
Abstract: Nanotechnology "nano" (from the Greek. Seq. "Dwarf") is used in the terminology to describe longitudinal units equal to one billionth of from 1m (1nm = 10-9m). Nanotechnology, nanoscience, the science and technology of colloidal systems, colloid chemistry, colloid physics, molecular biology, all microelectronics, the fundamental differences between colloidal systems, which include: clouds, human blood, DNA and proteins, transistors, which they are going to microprocessors, is that the surface of these particles or molecules in the vast millions of times greater than the volume of the particles, such particles occupy an intermediate position between the true homogeneous solutions, alloys, and ordinary objects macrocosm. The behavior of such systems is very different from the behavior of true solutions and melts and macrocosm of the objects through the high surface usually such effects begin to play a significant role when the particle size is in the range of 1-200 nanometers, hence it word substitution colloidal physics, chemistry, biology on nanoscience and nanotechnology, meaning the size of the objects in question.
Keywords: nanotechnology, nanoparticles, lactic acid bacteria
Cite this article: Tulemissova Z., Kassenova G., Kozhakhmetova Z., Myktybayeva R., Muzapbarov B., Khussaiynov D., Tuganbay A., Shytyrbayeva Z., Omarova A., Nurdan N.. DETERMINING THE INFLUENCE OF THE NANOPARTICLES ON THE GROWTH AND GENERATION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 43-49 (2015).
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