Tulemissova Z., Kassenova G., Kozhakhmetova Z., Myktybayeva R., Muzapbarov B., Khussaiynov D., Tuganbay A., Shytyrbayeva Z., Omarova A., Nurdan N.
Pages: 50-55
Published: 21 May 2015
Views: 2,884
Downloads: 842
Abstract: Formation of probiotic properties of dairy products depends largely on the composition of the macrobiotic of ferment, so studies are necessary for the selection of specific strains of bacteria producing a complex of biologically active substances and enzymes. The first phase of research is to study the morphological, physiological and biochemical production and properties of different strains of lactic acid bacteria exhibited in fat-containing dairy environment. Main basic raw material for the production of fermented milk product is developed camel milk with different fat-contents. High nutritional and biological value of camel milk, as well as the best of their digestibility compared with other types of milk will create a product that meets the physiological needs of the body's essential nutrients and energy. In the manufacture of probiotic dairy products functionality greatest attention must be paid to bifidus bacterias and lactobacilli as main representatives of the normal intestinal microflora, providing high colonization resistance of the intestinal tract and increases the activity of the organism`s immunomodulatory.
Keywords: microflora, microbiota, bifidobacterium, multiple strain starter, probiotic
Cite this article: Tulemissova Z., Kassenova G., Kozhakhmetova Z., Myktybayeva R., Muzapbarov B., Khussaiynov D., Tuganbay A., Shytyrbayeva Z., Omarova A., Nurdan N.. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF FERMENTATION OF CAMEL MILK VARIOUS TYPES OF LACTOBACILLI AND BIFIDUS BACTERIAS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 50-55 (2015).
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