Algirdas Liutkevičius, Vilma Speičienė, Gitana Alenčikienė, Aldona Mieželienė, Arvydas Kaminskas, Jonas Algis Abaravičius, Dalius Vitkus, Valerija Jab
Pages: 74-81
Published: 23 May 2015
Views: 3,180
Downloads: 1,080
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the bioactive ingredient – oat β-glucan – on the quality characteristics of the fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt and fermented milk beverages) made on buttermilk-skimmed milk mixture base and establish the influence of the consumption of one of them on the health characteristics of volunteers. The enrichment of fermented milk products with 0.6 % oat β-glucan had no impact on the fermentation time, enhanced the apparent viscosity and changed sensory properties. The experiments of medical nutrition of volunteers showed a significant decrease of total (p<0.05) and low density lipoprotein (p<0.05) cholesterol, increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol (p<0.01) in their blood after a 21-day period of consumption of fermented product with β-glucan. According to these findings, consumption of fermented milk beverage prepared on the buttermilk-skimmed milk base and enriched with oat β-glucan had a beneficial effect on human health.
Keywords: oat β-glucan, fermented milk beverages, human health
Cite this article: Algirdas Liutkevičius, Vilma Speičienė, Gitana Alenčikienė, Aldona Mieželienė, Arvydas Kaminskas, Jonas Algis Abaravičius, Dalius Vitkus, Valerija Jab. OAT β-GLUCAN IN MILK PRODUCTS: IMPACT ON HUMAN HEALTH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 74-81 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000656/
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