Niyazi Suleymanov, Reyhan Abbasova
Pages: 145-151
Published: 23 May 2015
Views: 2,858
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Abstract: We describe the soil-ecological, methodological and technological aspects of the implementation measures for the implementation of landscape-adaptive-commutative soil and environmental devel-opment of the method Siyazan-Sumgait saline takyr-lake alluvial array of genetic origin. The concep-tual basis of the method is the division of space exploration on the rails, and accumulating the strip with a mixed structure with high absorbency of surface run of formed at maximum precipitation and implementation of measures to regulate the hydrothermal regime of soil sunder natural vegetation of the steppe.
Keywords: adaptive landscape, soil and ecological method, development, takyr, solonchaks
Cite this article: Niyazi Suleymanov, Reyhan Abbasova. LANDSCAPE-ECOLOGICAL SOIL-ADAPTIVE METHOD OF RECLAMATION OF TAKYR-LIKE SOLONCHAKS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 145-151 (2015).
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